Anxiety Rx

Anxiety Rx

Hosted by: Russell Kennedy

I am an anxious doctor. Or at least I WAS an anxious doctor. After literally decades of suffering from intractable anxiety, and seeing over 50 different types of healers I found my way to heal my anxiety through very...

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Do you allow yourself to RECEIVE?

Episode #11

Do you allow yourself to receive? Or are you doing most of the people pleasing/giving to others? When we see the world as a place that does not nourish us enough, as was often our childhood circumstance, we learn not...
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2 factors that make Anxiety & Alarm SO MUCH WORSE

Episode #10

Anxiety and alarm are made so much worse by two things: UNCERTAINTY and RESISTANCE. In fact, combining the two, it is our resistance to uncertainty and the alarm that creates in our physiology that is the origin of...
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Dedication & Preface of My Book, Anxiety Rx.

Episode #9

As the podcast is a direct result of the book, Anxiety Rx, I've made the Dedication and Preface for the book Episode 9 of the podcast. This will give you a feel for where everything started for me and why I've made it...
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Why MD's Can't Heal Anxiety

Episode #8

In this episode I talk about why your MD can't heal your anxiety. We MDs are not trained (or aware) of the impact of childhood wounding and the ALARM it creates in the body, and even if we were, we don't know how to...
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Dark Night of the Soul

Episode #7

I've had many people ask me about psychedelics in the past couple of weeks. Specifically, if psychedelics could help them overcome their anxiety. I learned things by taking LSD, Ayahuasca and Psilocybin that I would...
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Devaluing Ourselves

Episode #6

Many of us with anxiety devalue ourselves. We look after others' needs ahead of our own and often succumb to the stigma of being "anxious" or say "I have anxiety". When we devalue ourselves like this, it makes it much...
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